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powerful vector rendering engine
- Supported bitmap formats:
- - ARGB32, RGB32, RGB32A8,
- - RGB565, RGB565A8, RGB24, RGB24A8,
- - LUM8, ALPHA8
- Blend Modes:
- - Alpha: AS, AD, AS+AD*(1-AS)
- - Color: CS, CD, CS+CD*(1-AS), CS*AS+CD*(1-AS)
- 3D Transformation fully OpenGL ES compliant:
- - 4x4 Transformation / Projection Matrix
- - Homogeneous Clipping
- - Viewport transformation
- 2D Render features:
- - Supports sub-pixel accuracy and high quality anti-aliasing
- - Blits / Dots / Lines / Triangle / Polygons
- - Line joins: Miter, Round, Bevel
- API Support:
- - OpenGL ES 1.1
- - CAFÉ Integration API
- Supported Architecture & Platforms:
- - TI C64x DSP ( DaVinci )
- - Analog Blackfin
- - EVA-X
- - ARM9, ARM11 & ARM Cortex
- Supported OS:
- - Windows Mobile
- - Linux
- - Android
- - QNX
- eVRU provides CAFE API for custom integration with various libraries and applications as well as industry standard OpenGL ES 1.1 API. eVRU provides a complete command toolbox and extensions enabling the implementation of 2D and 3D graphics, bit-blitting functions coupled with efficient filtering, as well as API specific functions for shading, lighting, edge based anit-aliasing and fog for example. These commands implementation uses deep sub-pixel accurate algorithms and built-in edge based anti-aliasing, resulting in excellent rendering.
- Please contact us by email for any kind of inquiries:
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