VxWorks based IEEE 1394 software
- Objective: To provide complete IEEE 1394-1995 software stack with support for protocols running over the 1394 layer.
- Hardware Used: OHCI compatible 1394 hardware cards
- Software Used: Tornado tools including Scope profile, Code test and MemScope, MS VC++ Ver 6.0
- Description:
- VxWorks is a open, scalable RTOS platform for broad range of communications, entertainment, embedded and mobile computing applications
- HCL provides a complete IEEE 1394-1995 software stack with support for protocols running over the 1394 layer. The figure given below is a summary of the various modules, which have been developed or are under development.
- The HCLT IEEE-1394 stack driver:
- The driver has a layered architecture and consists of the following components.
- The HAL:
- This incorporates a set of interfaces, which makes the transaction layer independent of the chipset. The HAL module is specific to a particular chipset. Currently the HAL modules are available for all OHCI compliant chipsets.
- Transaction Layer:
- This module handles the asynchronous transmission of data. The API calls from the application are serviced by this layer in order to support the various transport protocol viz. SBP2, DPP, AV/C IP-1394 etc. To cater to the high performance requirements of these protocols and provide data synchronization, the driver follows a multi-threaded, multi-layered design.
- Bus Manager:
- Serial Bus manager provides the basic control functions and standard CSR's needed to control nodes or to manage bus resources. The bus manager component is only active at a single node that exercises management responsibilities over the entire bus. An additional component, the isochronous resource manager, centralizes the services needed to allocate bandwidth and other isochronous resources.
- Isochronous Layer:
- This module handles the isochronous transmission of data. This layer services the API calls from the application in order to provide isochronous data transmission. Real time requirements of isochronous transmission have been taken into consideration in the design of the driver.
- The Other Protocol Layers are available as add-on modules over the HCLT IEEE-1394 Stack Driver.
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VxWorks IEEE 1394
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