Implementation of the older drafts standard IEEE P1619 required the NIST standard AES cipher in the LRW mode for encryption (AES-LRW). Note that the new drafts of the P1619 call for a different mode, XTS-AES (see our XTS cores). The LRW1 AES core is tuned for storage applications at the data rates of 3 Gbps and higher. The LRW2 family of cores covers a wide range of area / throughput combinations, allowing the designer to choose the smallest core that satisfies the desired clock/throughput requirements. All LRW cores contain the base AES core AES1 and are available for immediate licensing. LRW3 family is similar to LRW2, but supports 256-bit AES keys and no-penalty key and IV changes.
The design is fully synchronous and available in both source and netlist form.