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Systolic FIR Filter Based FPGA
By A. Gougam & D. Benazzouz
Abstract : In this paper, we first review in detail the basic building blocks of reconfigurable devices, essentially, the field-programmable gate arrays, then we describes a high-speed, reconfigurable Systolic Finite Impulse Response Filter design implemented in the Virtex-II series of FPGAs. A description language of this filter is used for simulation and implemented using Xilinx's place and route tools. The simulation shows that the filter behaves as expected. I. INTRODUCTION As field programmable gate array (FPGA) technology has steadily improved, FPGAs have become alternatives to other technology implementations for high-speed classes of digital signal processing (DSP) applications. In this paper, we first review in detail the basic building blocks of reconfigurable devices, essentially, the field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), then we describes a high-speed, reconfigurable, Systolic FIR filter design implemented in the Virtex-II series of FPGAs. II. REPROGRAMMABLE COMPUTING AND THE FPGA ARCHITECTURE Reconfigurable computing (RC) is computation using hardware that can adapt at the logic level to solve specific problems. Figure 1 shows the implementation spectrum in reconfigurable computing [1]. The spectrum is bounded by three axes symbolising performances, flexibility and cost. The figure clearly shows that ASIC gives high performance at cost of inflexibility, processor is very flexible but not tuned to the application and that RC hardware (FPGA) is a nice compromise.
Reconfigurable hardware can be classified according to their granularity level, which are: the system level, the functional level and the logic level. At system level the reconfiguration correspond to the programming of the computing resources such the different processors and memory space. At functional level, the reconfiguration focuses on the interconnections between resources such as the different arithmetic modules. Finally, at logic level the reconfiguration deals with the different L.U.Ts and the network of interconnects at bit level. In reconfigurable computing we distinguish two types of reconfiguration as shown i n figure 2:
The basic structure of an FPGAs is array-based, meaning that each chip comprises a two dimensional array of logic blocks that can be interconnected via horizontal and vertical routing channels. An illustration of this type of architecture is shown in Figure 3.
The features of a logic block (called a Configurable Logic Block (CLB) by Xilinx) shown in figure 4 is based on look-up tables (LUTs) . A LUT is a small one bit wide memory array, where the address lines for the memory are inputs of the logic block and the one bit output from the memory is the LUT output. Modern VLSI FPGAs architecture shown in figure 5 are characterized by the integration of different building blocks [2] such as:
III. SYSTOLIC FIR APPLICATIONS Systolic system consists of an array of processing elements (typically multiplier-accumulator chips) in a pipeline structure that is used for applications such as image and signal processing. The "systolic array" introduced by H. T. Kung of Carnegie-Mellon in 1978, refers to the rhythmic transfer of data through the pipeline, like blood flowing through the vascular system [3]. Systolic approach can speed up a compute-bound computation in a relatively simple and inexpensive manner. A systolic array in particular achieves higher computation throughput without increasing memory bandwidth as shown in figure 6.
In [4], H.T.Kung proposed a family of systolic designs for the compute bound convolution problem, which is defined as follows:
{w1 , w2 , . . . , wk}
{x1 , x2 , . . . , xk} ,
{y1 , y2 , . . . , yn+1-k}
yi = w1 xi + w2 xi+1 + . . . + wk xi+k-1
From the proposed family of systolic designs, we have chosen the pure systolic convolution arrays without global data communication as illustrated in figure 7, in order to minimize global broadcasting and fan in problems inherent to FPGA designs.
One such application is the well known finite impulse response (FIR) digital filter. The behavior of the finite impulse response filter can be described by the equation:
where yt denotes the output at time t and xt represents the input at time t and ak are the filter coefficients. The processing element of the 1D full systolic FIR is shown in fig 8. Both the x values and the accumulated results flow from left to right but at a different speed, while the coefficients stay in the cell. An implementation of such filter is given in figure 9. The inner product processing element will take as inputs an accumulated sum from previous processing elements (yin), a filter coefficient (ai) and a sample value from the input stream (xin) and return two values: the xin is passed to xout and the yout is computed by performing the inner product calculation and adding it to the accumulated sum. Registers are added at the inputs and outputs for pipelining in a way that makes sure the accumulated sums and x values stay in synchronisation.
An example of a four tap filter using this processing element is shown in fig 8. This is formed by simply replicating the processing element horizontally. The x input has to be delayed by one clock tick to synchronise with the y inputs. This filter has a much higher latency (8 ticks) than it direct implementation counterpart (semi systolic filter) known as a transversal FIR filter.
VHDL description of this filter is used for simulation and EDIF for implementation using Xilinx's place and route tools. The following code is a top level description of the filter which is made from an array of Multiply and Add modules (fs_tap) for scalability. By using dedicated Multiply Add DSP blocks (such as the DSP48), design efficiency is increased when correctly and optimally mapped to any FPGA-based DSP application. -- Design Name: scale_fsyst_fir from A. GOUGAMlibrary ieee; use ieee.numeric_bit.all; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity scale_fsyst_fir is generic (n : natural:=16; n_tap : integer:= 10);--number of tapes set 10 port (dx_in ,dy_in, w_in : in std_logic_vector (n-1 downto 0); ck : in std_logic; qx_out, qy_out: out std_logic_vector (n-1 downto 0)); end scale_fsyst_fir; architecture behavior of scale_fsyst_fir is component fs_tap is generic (n : natural); port (fx_in, fy_in , fw_in : in std_logic_vector (n-1 downto 0); ck : in std_logic; fx_out, fy_out : out std_logic_vector (n-1 downto 0)); end component ; type mat_a is array(1 to n_tap+1) of std_logic_vector (n-1 downto 0); signal d,y, w: mat_a; begin -- behavior y(1) <= dy_in;--nil; d(1) <= dx_in; qx_out <= d(n_tap+1); qy_out <= y(n_tap+1); gen: for k in 1 to n_tap generate w(1)<= x"0001"; -- coeff set to 1 for simplicity w(2)<= x"0001"; w(3)<= x"0001"; w(4)<= x"0001"; w(5)<= x"0001"; t:fs_tap generic map (n) port map (d(k),y(k),w(k),ck,d(k+1),y(k+1)); end generate; end behavior; The VHDL simulation shows that the filter behaves as expected as shown on figure 10, a serie of unsigned number b[15:0] produced a same serie of filtered unsigned numbers q[15:0] . The first filtered data output is produced after the eigth clock pulse then, an output is produced every clock pulse. The coefficients Wi, of the filter have been set to 1 for simplicity.
After configuration, ON CHIP debugging and verification is performed using ChipScope™ Pro tools which integrates logic analyzer hardware components with the target design inside Xilinx Virtex™. The ChipScope Pro tools communicate with these components and provides us with a complete logic analyzer. Figure 11 shows a block diagram of a ChipScope Pro system. We can place the ICON, ILA, cores (collectively called the ChipScope Pro cores) into the design by generating the cores with the ChipScope Pro Core Generator and instantiating them into the VHDL source code. The design is then placed and routed using the Xilinx ISE 8.1i implementation tools. Next, we download the bitstream into the device under test and analyzes the design with the ChipScope Pro Analyzer software.
IV. CONCLUSION Our study shows the suitability in using FPGAs for spatially parallel applications such as systolic filters. By illustrating a design methodology for digital filters[5], the advantages of using FPGAs for digital signal processing applications (DSP) are emphasized. Finally, further works on this subject is being carried out including :
V. REFERENCES [1] R. David , “ Architecture reconfigurable dynamiquement pour applications mobiles”,Thèse,Université de Rennes, 2003. [2] “The Design Worrior’s Guide to FPGAs Devices, Tools, and Flows”. ISBN 0750676043, Mentor Graphics Corp, 2004, [3] H.T Kung, C.E Leiserson, “ Systolic Array for VLSI ”, Sparse Matrix Proc., 1979, pp. 256-282. [4] H.T Kung, , “Why Systolic Architectures?”, Computer, Vol 15, N°1, jan 1982, pp. 37-46. [5] A GOUGAM, A FARAH. “Systolic Arrays via dependancy graphs”. Journal of Technology (JOT), E.N.P El-Harrach, Algeria, 1994.
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