From IP re-use to open Innovation - A new trend in the industry
By Blouet Patrick, STMicroelectronics
Grenoble France Abstract: The purpose of this article is to show that beyond IP reuse a new trend is taking shape in the industry: Open Innovation. More than IP, companies now shares ideas which become the basis of their new product. A short description of the Procter&Gamble case will give a better understanding of this model. Some other examples in the high tech industry illustrate implementation of this model. Even if very appealing there is some important challenges around Open Innovation that new adopters have to be well aware.
1. Introduction Re-use was, and is still, a huge trend in the industry for the past 20 years. It is as a way of achieving good financial performances while keeping R&D resources focused on the generation of added value. Re-use, even, if some standards have emerged and implemented in order to interface with external partners, was mainly an internal matter for a company. Each company tried to define re-use standards and methods with more or less of success but in all the cases the main paradigm was based on internal R&D resources or internalization of an object developed outside. In the global economy trend this assumption is no longer true and is even strongly challenged by new constraints. As re-use tackles the exchange of an IP, a piece of software, a document, a new trend is emerging in trying to exchange ideas which will be the basis at the creation of new products. In order to satisfy to the new financial performance goals, companies have to organize in order to be able to get not only IP’s but as well ideas produced outside of their perimeter. In this scenario they have to use their R&D power in transforming these bright ideas in successful products. Changing innovation business model to open innovation is the next step beyond re-use for the industry whether it is high tech or not. In part 2 an example of open innovation model is illustrated by the implementation done in Procter& Gamble. Part 3 will show how other industries in the high tech space address the open innovation concept from an implementation point of view. Part 4 will browse the challenges of this new model and the lessons already learnt from its application
2. The Procter and Gamble case As everybody knows P&G is a major player in the fields of: personal beauty, home cleaning, health and wellness, pet and nutrition care and many others. Starting in 2000 a new CEO, A.G Laffley, took the head of this prestigious company. After a while he was concerned about the challenges in front of him and described below.
Based on this status it was urgent to react and A. G Laffley strongly challenges his staff to reinvent the innovation business model. As a result of this hard work, a major change happened in the company. An important paradigm shift was pushed moving from the traditional R&D (Research and Develop) paradigm to a very new one: C&D – Connect and Develop The main idea of C&D resides in the fact that, even if innovation happens in the company, much more is possible outside. So the key challenge is: how to be able to catch innovation which happens outside of the company perimeter and leverage on P&G R&D strengths and manufacturing machine to transform it in profitable business A complete new C&D model was developed and relies on 4 pillars:
The first step, where to play, of this new model was to carefully identify for the different product lines, what are the 10 main reasons blocking the growth. The output of this work conducted on a yearly basis and consolidated at different level in the company, provides the needs in term of products, technology, manufacturing, .. to release growth. Another tools used at this stage is technology/baseness adjacencies detection. This consist to look at the various technologies in the portfolio and to evaluate they could be used outside of their privileged area to generate a new business or to identify how a new technology could secure existing business. It is really a way to maximize the technology assets through the whole product portfolio. The next step, how to connect once needs are identified and formalized, is to send them in the network of potential “solution provider”. This network is in fact made of two sub networks one internal and only accessible by P&G staff and another one fully open to outside and accessible by anyone. More than the network itself, the way the network operates is key, and a lot of time was spent defining the process under which this networking activity has to operate. If solutions are identified then they are calibrated, benchmarked and after a selection process entered in the catalog of solutions and presented to the various Business Units. If one solution is selected by a business unit then the where to engage phase starts and the normal process of acquisition/licensing/internalization starts and the new solution will have to go through all the gates before to reach the market as a new product. During this phase a special care is on how the idea once selected will turn in real dollars. The main goal is to make sure that ideas entering this pipeline will reach their financial performance as a product once on the market. All the steps of the process described above are supported by a strong company culture focusing on looking for internal/external solutions first and then, if nothing exists, develop internally a brain new technology. The ultimate goal is to make the innovation process more efficient and to maximize the R&D resource efficiency. Such big change in a company has to happen everywhere and not only in the technical community but needs as well involvement of human resources, procurement, quality, and many others. This is an implementation of open innovation model potentially transforming each of us in a P&G innovator.
3. Open Innovation in the industry The P&G case shows clearly how a company has addressed the major challenge in front of it. This type of challenges is unfortunately not the P&G challenge but more general one in the industry. Products are becoming more and more complex and must be developed in less and less time, unfortunately financial performance has to clamps R&D resources, which is in complete contradiction with the first statement Looking at the semiconductor area it is may be even more critical as new integration techniques (45nm, 32nm, 22nm, 3D packaging,..) are pushing complexity increase far beyond the Moore’s law which is already very challenging by itself regarding R&D resources. Of course if the problem corporations have to solve is more or less the same, implementation solutions can be very different form one industry to another. Whatever the implementation, the target is always to open the innovation process beyond the traditional R&D boundary of the company. This is in line with another very important trend which push to have the user part of the product creation process. In HP for instance it goes through a complete reorganization of the HP Labs focusing them on research topics in line with company strategy while giving end users the capacity to interact very early with new ideas/product to influence and bring new views in the development. In Cisco, with the Cisco I-Prize, it is clearly a target of giving potential innovators all around the world the means to express and develop their ideas under the Cisco umbrella. Google with Android challenge gave opportunity to any developer to bring new ideas and user experience in the field of mobile phones. Out of the 3 examples above plenty of other companies are applying this open innovation more or less aggressively but always having in mind to involve much more the user in the product and value creation process. An open innovation model has several benefits over standard models. 4. Challenges and learning Even if still at the beginning of life of this new business model for innovation, a certain number of challenges are already identified.
Among the learning the most important one is may be the capacity of a community to create self motivation for people. This model for sure federates people around the same goal and gives them possibilities to get recognition of their work from their peer community. Open innovation release as well people creativity in giving them opportunity to interact on topics not naturally in their daily field of operation but for which they have interest and sometime very pertinent view.
5. Conclusion The world is moving to a co-creation era and industry is not out of this very strong trend. Bibliography The next step in open innovation – June 2008 Eight business technology trends to watch – December 2007 Connect and Develop: Inside Procter & Gamble model for innovation – March 2006 The New Age of Innovation: Driving Cocreated Value Through Global Networks – April 2008
The innovator’s dilemma – January 2003 The innovator’s solution – September 2003
Seeing what’s next – May 2004 Innovator’s guide to growth. – July 2008 HP labs: http://hpl.hp.com Cisco : http://www.cisco.com/web/solutions/iprize/index.html Google : http://www.google.com
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