Describe the IP you need
D&R will contact leading IP Suppliers to ask if they can full fill
your requirements
IP Suppliers with solutions that meet your needs will contact you
- There is no fee for posting an IP request
- IP requests are posted through a request form. This
request form has been made as comprehensive as possible to prevent any
waste of time for matching candidates
- The IP requests are forwarded to qualified IP providers
who if interested contact directly the customer while being tracked by
- The customer having posted a request is committed to
answer to all IP Provider candidates if he considers their offer within
a 5 days delay. After this delay he gets a warning for D&R IP
Marketplace policies violation. This is done to guarantee a high
reliability and maintain confidence for all users
- Customer is committed to close his request when he has
found a partner.
- If an IP request stays open over a period of one month,
D&R will check the opportunity status with the customer. If no
answer is provided, the opportunity is closed and the customer gets a
warning for policies violation.
- The information related to the customer stays private to
protect the business confidentiality. No identity is forwarded.