Joe Mallett, Synopsys
6/23/2015 11:00 AM EDT
Using a feature-rich implementation tool helps designers focus on their own product differentiation while accelerating time to market and meeting cost targets.
The size and complexity of FPGAs is growing, but schedules are not. Designers continue to face tight deadlines and budgets, making it critical to find ways to improve productivity during product development. Synthesis runtimes range from several hours to an entire day for the largest and most complex designs. Therefore, designers need a set of tools that provides the best runtimes while not compromising area, timing, and quality of results (QoR).
A robust synthesis tool, such as Synplify Premier, offers designers with several technologies and methodologies to gain the best balance of runtime and QoR. In a normal design flow, getting to first hardware is critical to enable early system software development and system validation. Support for fast synthesis mode enables designers to gain a fast first time through the flow by trading off QoR. This provides a hardware platform that while may not be running at full performance can be utilized to quickly enable early system driver and software development in addition to earlier system validation, yielding a faster time to market.
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