4 Large bit fields should be right justified to the boundary of the next-larger standard bit-field size.
Using odd or unusual bit field boundaries in the register definition makes for a hard to read register value when debugging is in progress. Any firmware engineer can read a hexidecimal value, deterimine the bit-field boundaries, and extract the value of a desired bit field, in h is head, if the bit field is located at logical boundaries (See Figure 1.) If the bit fields are not on these logical boundaries the engineer will still read the hex value and extract the bit field values in his head, but he will be wrong a large percentage of the time.
5 Provide 8-bit and 16-bit access to all memory blocks.
This is especially critical for an embedded IC that may be targeted at many different kinds of processors. Whenever the processor is not specified you have to assume that someone is going to try to use your part with an 8-bit processor. If the embedded IC is an ASIC, designed for a single customer, and the processor is specified, then access capabilities need only be applied to the level required by the processor.
6 Pointer registers should always contain byte-specific addresses.
A "pointer register" is a register that contains an address. This may be the start address of a block of memory accessed by the hardware, a pointer to a selected memory location in a FIFO, etc. A pointer register should allow the firmware to access the indicated storage element on byte boundaries even if the storage element is 32-bit or 16-bit aligned.
If the hardware simply does not have the capability to provide this level of access, the lower bits should appear in the register but should be read-only and should read back the correct value (usually zero). It is also critically important for understanding the embedded logic that the address held by the pointer register need not be shifted to be used by the processor (see item 3, below).
7 Registers with similar bit field functions should be specified and designed in a consistent manner.
If, for example, several logic blocks have similar bit fields in their control or status registers, these should be located at exactly the same bit location in the corresponding registers. Figure 2 gives an example of two registers th at contain some common bit fields and some that are different. The common bit fields are organized in each register such that the same bit position contains the same bit field in each register.
Note that even when the bit fields do not have the exact same name (such as bits 1-0 of the registers in the example) they are still placed in the same bit position if the essential function is the same. This increases the ease in which a customer engineer can understand each new hardware block. It shortens the learning curve and decreases time to market. This also improves the efficiency of debugging the design.

8 Hardware arbitration should be supplied for any storage elements that can be accessed by multiple hardware blocks.
Examples of this are data transfer buffers that can be written by the CPU and by data input channels. If the hardware does not handle the arbitration then the firmware must do so. This means extra code space is needed and the actual operation of the system is going to be slowed down.
The following are specific recommendations for common hardware access conflicts:
- 1) Provide double-buffering for any writeable element that may be used by the hardware asynchronous to the CPU access. When a new value is written by the processor, that value is held in the buffer until the current hardware operation, using the old value, completes. At this point the buffered value should be automatically stored to the functional register and become the current value.
- 2) Provide shadow-buffering for any readable element that may be changed by the hardware asynchronous to the CPU access. If a storage element can change while the processor is reading the location in memory the resulting race condition means that the firmware receives a bad value. A standard firmware technique for handling this is to read the unstable register several times and look for a consistent value across s everal reads. This is tedious for firmware developers, slows down the operation of the system, and really doesn't guarantee that the value read is good; it only guarantees that the value was the same at the times read.
- 3) Provide shadow-buffering for wide counters or state machines that may require multiple accesses for a full read from the target CPU. Note that if a 16-bit processor is accessing 17 or more bits then a multi-access read will be required. The same applies to any sized processor attempting to read a value larger than the processor's data bus width. The hardware must provide a buffering mechanism that stores the value in the remainder of the storage element when the CPU begins a multi-access read to view the contents of that storage element. If, for example, the 16-bit processor reads bits 15-0 of a 32-bit register, bits 31-16 of the register must be saved by the hardware in anticipation of a follow-up read to the upper 16 bits.
- 4) Provide wait state generation for the CPU or the da ta channel to any storage elements that can be accessed asynchronously by both. This can be done using a READY signal to the processor forcing the CPU to wait until the access by the competing channel is complete. Note that if a double-buffer or a shadow-buffer is provided, this should not preclude the capability to write directly to the active element, bypassing the buffer. It is usually dangerous and inadvisable to do this but the capability, if provided in a test/debug register capacity (see item 10), provides the firmware with additional hardware bug work-around capabilities.
9 All hardware storage elements should be readable by firmware.
Generally the status and control elements that are necessary for normal operation of the firmware are provided and easily accessed by the CPU. However, there are usually a huge number of storage elements that are not accessible to firmware at all. Storage elements include registers, counters, state machines, memory blocks, and anything else that can hold a state between clocks. Some flip-flops may be so fast that they are useless to firmware but it's easier for firmware to ignore a readable flop then to use a necessary but inaccessible flop. Those memory elements which are not needed for normal operation should still be accessible for test and debug purposes. This greatly improves the firmware engineer's ability to debug a problem. This also means that, if calls to hardware support do become necessary, more complete data can be provided to support personnel. This also increases the chance that a firmware work-around to a hardware bug can be generated and used until a fixed version of the hardware becomes available. This is extremely important in today's world of million dollar masks and six month lead times.
Note that if all the storage elements were made visible to the processor in a flat memory map, the block of the memory map used by these storage elements may be too large to allow efficient normal operation of the IC. It can also be con fusing to the firmware developer to see thousands of unneeded storage elements cluttering up the specification (which, as was already mentioned, is very big).
While all storage elements should be visible to the microprocessor, all those which are not needed for normal operation need not share a memory map with the normal registers. Provision should be provided for paged register maps to hold the extra storage elements that are provided only for debug and test capabilities. Documentation for these storage elements need not be in the standard specification and should be provided in a separate document supplied for debug purposes.
10 The firmware should be able to load or reset every counter and state machine in the hardware design.
It is fairly common at the present time for embedded systems to possess one or more reset registers that allow returning the state of any logic block to its Power-On Reset state. This minimal reset capability should be provided, but write capabilities are imme nsely more powerful. The reset capability should not necessarily be to a 'zero' state or to the Power-On Reset state but should be to a reasonable start-of-operation state.
The major resistance felt from hardware designers when confronted with this idea seems to be the gate count hit to the logic. Given the size of today's embedded ICs this hit is usually minor.
Another concern is the timing of massive address decode logic needed to provide access to the number of storage elements thus provided. This can be a serious problem, especially if access to a non-standard register requires paging to an appropriate debug register map first. This is a tough issue and may make the use of these registers on hardware bug work-arounds seem pointless. However, a slow work-around is better than a 3-6 month wait for new silicon.
The ability to perform powerful hardware error work-around functions in order to save on respins of the IC can often justify the cost of adding this capability to the design. If the volumes of the part justify a cost reduction, the debug and test logic can be designed to be removed for high volume production.
Intelligent storage element design can greatly improve firmware development cycles by providing easier to use products. This can result in faster times to market for those implementing an embedded system. One of the major benefits of following the storage element accessibility guidelines in this paper (items 9 and 10) is the ability to provide firmware workarounds to hardware errors in the embedded IC. This can save months of down time for the firmware design team who don't have to spend an extended amount of time waiting for a fix. This also saves a massive cost hit to the IC supplier who can wait until late in the development cycle to do a single respin to fix all the problems found in the IC.
David Fechser is a senior staff engineer working for the Systems Verification group of the Storage Products Division at LSI Logic Corp. David lives in F ort Collins, Colorado and can be contacted at 970-206-5678 (dave.fechser@lsil.com).