D&R Industry Articles (July 2007)
Articles for the Week of July 30, 2007

A New Methodology for Hardware Software Co-verification
Traditional methods of hardware software co-verification use either the industry standard accelerators/emulators or the instruction set simulators. Both the methodologies are well proven and are well established in SOC verification environment. The design, development and validation of device drivers require these tools and software and it would be an expensive proposition for IP developers.- Preventing IP theft with the MSC8144EC DSP
- Utilizing UWB in ultra-low power ZigBee wireless sensor nodes
- Topology Planning and Routing
Articles for the Week of July 23, 2007

Transaction Level Model of the USB On-The-Go controller IP core
The paper describes a transaction level model of the serial bus controller compliant to USB On-The-Go specification [1]. The model has been developed as an abstraction of an existing IP core, written in VHDL. The possible use in the development or testing of a software driver was addressed too.- IP/foundry ecosystem facilitates 45-nm process design
- Self-timed interconnect enables true IP reuse
- Analysis: CEVA's 32-bit, Dual-MAC TeakLite-III DSP
- Achieving Optimized DSP Encoding for Video Applications
- Compiler optimization for DSP applications
- Rethinking the System Design Process
Articles for the Week of July 16, 2007

Measurable Verification Methodology for Highly Configurable IP Cores
This paper describes the methodology based on use of functional coverage technology for measurement of quality of IP. In this methodology, the regressions are run on RTL generated by selecting hard configuration parameters randomly. Constraints are defined such that illegal combinations of such parameters are avoided. Functional coverage is used for both soft configurable options (control registers) as well as hard configurable options (ifdef parameters).- A Heuristic Energy Aware Application Mapping algorithm for Network on Chip
- Multicore microprocessors and embedded multicore SOCs have very different needs
- Defining standard Debug Interface Socket requirements for OCP-compliant multicore SoCs: Part 2
- Achieving scalability with switch fabrics in CompactPCI
- 3D graphics hardware IP uses OCP bus interface
Articles for the Week of July 9, 2007

SoC interconnect performance verification methodology based on hardware emulator
This paper describes an interconnect performance verification methodology which was developed for a complex multi source digital television SoC project. The historical and technical reasons of the interconnect performance verification are detailed in the introduction. Then the verification platform, the hardware measurement agent (called spy), the methodology flow and the measurement method are described. The emulator resource optimization is discussed. This methodology was extended for CPU real time constraints verification.- FlexRay - The Hardware View
- Defining standard Debug Interface Socket requirements for OCP-Compliant multicore SoCs: Part 1
- Using FPGAs to build a compact, low cost, and low power Ethernet-to-Network Processor bridge
- Selection Criteria for Using DDR, GDDR or MobileDDR Memories in System Designs
Articles for the Week of July 2, 2007

Development of Verification Environment for Layered Protocol using SystemVerilog
This paper explains how individual layered specific verification components such as, Transactor, Checker, Monitor which can be developed using SystemVerilog can be reused when you have all the layers connected at the sub-system and system level, and hence maximizes the verification productivity gains.- Fully Digital Implemented Phase Locked Loop
- An FPGA design flow for video imaging applications
- Building Bare-Metal ARM Systems with GNU: Part 2
- Mixed-signal FPGAs provide GREEN POWER
- FPGA-based coprocessors simplify ASIC emulation
- Implementing floating-point DSP on FPGAs
- Functional Qualification - An Automated and Objective Measure of Functional Verification Quality