D&R Industry Articles (March 2010)
Articles for the Week of March 29, 2010

Source Code Analysis in an Agile World
This paper will demonstrate that several of the core principles of Agile cannot be fully realized without implementing a repeatable process for ensuring code that is as bug-free as possibleArticles for the Week of March 22, 2010

A Step By Step Methodical Approach for Efficient Mixed-Language IP Integration
This paper looks at mixed-language design integration from both the EDA tool developers’ and designers’ perspectives. It describes different approaches and provides useful insights to help users select the best option for integrating two IP blocks in a mixed-language environment. We will provide practical examples based on real designs- Efficient Verification and Virtual Prototyping of Analog and Mixed-Signal IP and SOCs Using Behavioral Models
- Why hardware designers should switch to Eclipse
Articles for the Week of March 15, 2010

A Flexible, Field-programmable ROM Replacement
For large amounts of on-chip code and data, mask read-only memory (ROM) provides an inexpensive and easily programmed storage mechanism. However, the inability to configure ROM after wafer processing means that information stored in the ROM cannot be changed in the field. Antifuse one-time programmable (OTP) provides a flexible, field-programmable alternative to ROM. An antifuse-based bit cell uses controlled, irreversible thin (gate) oxide breakdown to program a bit.- EDA is not enough!
- Implementing custom DDR and DDR2 SDRAM external memory interfaces in FPGAs (part 1)
Articles for the Week of March 8, 2010

Initial Investigations into UML Based Architectural Reference Patterns for Set-Top Boxes
This paper analyses a leading-edge Set-top Box (STB) design for architecture reference patterns. Specifically, the following contributions are made: (i) identifying and documenting (in UML) STB architectural reference patterns, and (ii) providing empirical (quantitative) analysis of pattern use.- Viewpoint: Your future is programmable
- Selecting an embedded MCU: How to avoid evaluation trap?
- Decompiling the ARM architecture code
Articles for the Week of March 1, 2010

Embedded Symmetric MultiProcessing system on a SoC with 1.6GHz PowerPC IP in 45nm
Because the dimensions of lithography are now closer to the fundamental physical limits, scaling is more and more difficult and thus multi-core processor solutions are just starting to be more popular in the embedded area. This paper describes in details the features that allow SoCs to be built with up to eight 1.6 GHz PowerPC CPU cores in an embedded system supporting Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) architecture. The balancing between CPU execution speed, memory bandwidth and latency, and coherency overhead has been the objective of the design of the PLB6 and the L2 Cache IP's, to reduce as much as possible the drop-off in performance-per-core inherent in an SMP approach.- Viewpoint: The importance of FPGA-to-ASIC solutions to accelerate CPU-based protocols
- Evolving to a Total IP Solutions to Accelerate SoC Design
- Time to market is a critical consideration