D&R Industry Articles (December 2015)
Articles for the Week of December 21, 2015
Additional ArticlesArticles for the Week of December 14, 2015

USB Type-C: Is it all just Hype-C for embedded designers?
Will the do-it-all connector standard maintain its blazing fast adoption?- Tech Overhaul: An Ode to Faster Memories
- Metal ECO implementation using Mask Programmable cells
- Secure updates for FPGA-based systems
- What's Missing from Design for Testability?
Articles for the Week of December 7, 2015

Security framework for IoT devices
Security challenges continue to make headlines in the IoT - and no vertical market has been spared. Automotive security has been in the headlines recently, but lighting systems, white goods, home security devices, medical equipment, airplanes and industrial automation systems have all had their unfortunate turn in the cyber vulnerability spotlight.