D&R Industry Articles (January 2019)
Articles for the Week of January 28, 2019

The Tradeoffs of Low Dropout (LDO) Voltage Regulator Architectures and the Advantages of "Capless" LDOs
Power management of battery-powered electronic devices is becoming increasingly more important for the microelectronics industry. This white paper details the difference between low dropout (LDO) voltage regulators that use external output capacitors and those that do not, and how your system designs can benefit from not using an output capacitor. Well-designed capless LDO voltage regulators can have multiple benefits, and they are presented here.- Design patterns in SystemVerilog OOP for UVM verification
- The Four Characteristics of an Optimal Inferencing Engine
Articles for the Week of January 14, 2019

Secure SOC for Security Aware Applications
Security is a two-way sword, increasing the security makes user difficult to access the chip and increasing user access increases chances for the chip to be hacked.