D&R Industry Articles (December 2019)
Articles for the Week of December 23, 2019

Why the Memory Subsystem is Critical in Inferencing Chips
The number of new inferencing chip companies announced this past year is enough to make your head spin. With so many chips and no lack of any quality benchmarks, the industry often forgets one extremely critical piece: the memory subsystem. The truth is, you can’t have a good inference chip unless you have a good memory subsystem.Articles for the Week of December 16, 2019

Enabling security in embedded system using M.2 SSD
Storage technologies are evolving at a high speed, thanks to new generations of memories such as Nandflash, ReRAM, MRAM and other flavors. That leads in an incredible performance increase in term of bandwidth and latency. By the way, security and data privacy features are still an important feature for critical storage systems.Articles for the Week of December 9, 2019

Internal JTAG - A cutting-edge solution for embedded instrument testing in SoC: Part 1
This article is divided into two parts. The first part outlines the important features of the IJTAG use model, while the latter part describes a network interface, its architecture, and how it addresses the major challenges of the SoC test.