D&R Industry Articles (February 2020)
Articles for the Week of February 17, 2020

SRAM PUF is Increasingly Vulnerable
As semiconductor technology advances, SRAM is becoming outmoded as a reliable PUF security solution.Articles for the Week of February 10, 2020

Layout versus Schematic (LVS) Debug
In ASIC physical implementation, once layout is generated, it must follow all the design rules for successful manufacturing and must match the schematic of the required design. To ensure this in physical verification, Design Rule Check (DRC) is carried out to check whether the layout follows the rules for fault-less manufacturing or not.Articles for the Week of February 3, 2020

Choosing the Right IP for Die-to-Die Connectivity
Higher data rates and more complex functionalities are increasing the SoC size for hyperscale data center, AI, and networking applications.