D&R Industry Articles (June 2021)
Articles for the Week of June 21, 2021

Advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS)
In this article, we have discussed about the structure of the ADAS Model which we have created by using VisualSim software. The model is built with 4 raders, 6 cameras, and 2 Lidars connected to 12 ECUs, gateways and IEE802.1Q networks. The prototype is set up to quickly modify feature packages and hardware distribution to determine hardware and network configuration. The simulated output and the related plots has also been discussed in depth.Articles for the Week of June 14, 2021

How eNVM Helps Power Controllers Be Smarter
PMIC designers have learned that using eNVMs like OTP in their chips can be very beneficial. A simple state machine with OTP can store power sequences and parameters, which can help manage the power between ICs efficiently.Articles for the Week of June 7, 2021

Agile Verification for SoC Design
As agile methods are established to improve productivity and quality, interest is growing in hardware design.Articles for the Week of May 31, 2021

The Expanding Markets for Edge AI Inference
The ability to do AI inferencing closer to the end user is opening up a whole new world of markets and applications. In fact, IDC just reported that the market for AI software, hardware, and services is expected to break the $500 billion mark by 2024, with a five-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.5% and total revenues reaching an impressive $554.3 billion.