D&R Industry Articles (August 2023)
Articles for the Week of August 28, 2023

Importance of VLSI Design Verification and its Methodologies
In this article, we will explore the concept of design verification, its importance, the process involved, the languages and methodologies used, and the future prospects of this critical phase in the development of VLSI design.Articles for the Week of August 21, 2023

Understanding the Importance of Prerequisites in the VLSI Physical Design Stage
This article delves into the significance of different prerequisites of physical design in VLSI, highlighting its multifaceted importance and the intricacies of the process.Articles for the Week of August 14, 2023

Analog IP to protect SoC from side-channel attacks
Across the globe, there are growing concerns about SCAs. Which type of applications are susceptible to SCAs? How can SCAs be spotted? This article focuses on voltage-centric side-channel attacks and outlines key functions of an analog IP for a voltage glitch detection solution.Articles for the Week of August 7, 2023

The rise of FPGA technology in High-Performance Computing
In recent years, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have emerged as a viable technology for High-Performance Computing (HPC), thanks to their customizability, parallel processing, and low latency.Articles for the Week of July 31, 2023

Boosting Model Interoperability and Efficiency with the ONNX framework
The rapid growth of artificial intelligence and machine learning has led to the development of numerous deep learning frameworks. Each framework has its strengths and weaknesses, making it challenging to deploy models across different platforms.