D&R Industry Articles (December 2024)
Articles for the Week of December 16, 2024

A Rad Hard ASIC Design Approach: Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR)
TMR is not a new idea in the world of ASIC design. It was published as far back as 1962 in the IBM Journal of Research and Development. However, it has become an essential design solution for ASIC chips sent into space, a vast environment filled with radiation.Articles for the Week of December 2, 2024

The Ideal Crypto Coprocessor with Root of Trust to Support Customer Complete Full Chip Evaluation: PUFcc gained SESIP and PSA Certified™ Level 3 RoT Component Certification
Building on the success of achieving PSA Certified™ Level 2 Ready through the integration of PUFcc with Arm’s CPU, Corstone platform, and TF-M, PUFsecurity and Arm move forward to the next level and successfully attain SESIP and PSA Certified™ Level 3 RoT Component certification for PUFsecurity’s Crypto Coprocessor IP, PUFcc.- Early Interactive Short Isolation for Faster SoC Verification
- Advanced Packaging and Chiplets Can Be for Everyone