NVM OTP NeoBit in Maxchip (180nm, 160nm, 150nm, 110nm, 90nm, 80nm)
Industry Expert Blogs
A standard who's time must come - SCE-MIEETimes Blog - Brian BaileyFeb. 23, 2012 |
A few days ago Toshio Nakama, CEO of S2C wrote a blog titled “Why SCE-MI has not been Widely Adopted Today?” First of all, hands up if you know what SCE-MI is. Not a lot of hands up. OK, hands up if your company uses emulation or FPGA prototyping. Lot more hands up now. Well, you are probably a user of SCE-MI. It is the standard that defines how hardware assisted platforms talk to software - that a testbench, software simulator or virtual prototype.