Aeonic Generate Digital PLL for multi-instance, core logic clocking
Industry Expert Blogs
The Future of FPGAsSemiWiki - Kris Kachris, SemiWikiNov. 09, 2020 |
On June 1, 2015 Intel and Altera announced , that they had entered into a definitive agreement under which Intel would acquire Altera for $16.7 billions. That was a major milestone for the FPGA community as Xilinx and Altera were the main FPGA vendors.
After the official announcement of AMD to acquire Xilinx, there is a huge concern on the FPGA community on the future of FPGAs.
The main goal of the Xilinx acquisition is to create the industry’s leading high performance computing company, “significantly expanding the breadth of AMD’s product portfolio and customer set across diverse growth markets where Xilinx is an established leader” according to AMD. But what is the main market that Xilinx is leading?