Newark, CA -- May 17, 2007 -- nSys Design Systems, the developer of the world’s largest portfolio of Verification IPs, today announced that Flowgic Inc., an ASIC Design company that offers high-quality IPs, Tools and Services for ASIC/FPGA design, has chosen the nSys Verification Suite (nVS) for Ethernet to verify their Ethernet IP.
"The Ethernet nVS has proven easy to integrate and deploy in our verification environment”, said Krishnan Ramamurthy, President, Flowgic. “We identified and resolved major issues in a short period with Ethernet nVS.”
The Ethernet nVS is a comprehensive Verification IP solution for pre-silicon functional verification of 10G/1G Ethernet designs. The nVS allows design and verification engineers to quickly & extensively test the entire functionality of their Ethernet compliant designs. Availability of Test Suites enables the designer to focus on features unique to their design. The nVS leverages advanced verification techniques in creating a versatile testbench environment. Some of the Key features of nVS for Ethernet are:
- Full timing, bus functional modeling of IEEE 802.3 (2005) specifications
- Support for XGMII, XAUI, GMII interfaces
- Supports 10Gb/s & 1Gb/s
- Full/Half (1G) Duplex Flow Control support
- Supports frame types: Data & Control Pause
- Automatic re-transmission of Control Pause frame
- Link State Fault generation mechanism
- Supports collision scenarios and implements back-off algorithms (1G)
- Support for Frame bursting in Half Duplex mode (1G)
- On-the-fly protocol and data checking
- Available in SystemVerilog & Verilog
About nSys
nSys leverages the world’s largest portfolio of Verification IPs it has developed, to provide products & services to Accelerate Designs for its customers developing ASIC, FPGA or IP. The nVS family has proven Verification IPs in SystemVerilog and Verilog for standard interfaces/protocols such as PCI Express, PCI-X, SATA, ATAPI, SAS, AXI, AHB, APB, USB, DDR2 etc. For more information, please visit nSys online at
About Flowgic
Flowgic, an ASIC design company led by a dynamic management team, offers a portfolio of IPs, Tools and Services to simplify ASIC/FPGA design. With commitment to quality, innovation and customer satisfaction it is seeing a rapid growth in new as well as repeat business. For more information, please visit