Modern Audio DSP, designed for battery operated, high-performance, audio and voice applications
AES-GCM IP Core for 40Gbit/sec packet data
Achieving 40Gbit/sec throughput on minimum sized packets with minimum inter-packet separation is a challenging task, particularly for an FPGA implementation where there are limitations on maximum clock frequency. The conventional approach to providing high performance on AES is to use a deep pipeline however this is ineffective on worst case traffic since minimum sized packets do not contain enough data to fill the pipeline. This core implements a pipelined and overlapped architecture with a number of proprietary implementation optimisations to deliver the required 40Gbit/sec performance even on worst case traffic.
This core is supplied as VHDL source code with a testbench which implements standard vectors from the GCM specification and a large test suite of vectors derived from a software implementation of AES-GCM.
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- Secure-IC Securyzr™ Tunable Cryptography solutions with embedded side-channel protections: AES - SHA2 - SHA3 - PKC - RSA - ECC - Crystals Kyber - Crystals Dilithium - XMSS - LMS - SM2 - SM3 - SM4 - Whirlpool - CHACHA20 - Poly1305
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