BitBLT Graphics Hardware Accelerator (AHB Bus)
The DB9100AHB also contains a Monochrome Bitmap Color Expansion feature, typically used for font expansion of compressed character bitmaps. A 1-bit depth bitmap is expanded to one of two colors, a foreground or background color, with the foreground color representing the text, and the background color the non-text background.
The DB9100AHB also contains a programmable Alpha Blend unit, blending two bitmaps into one.
The DB9100AHB interfaces to a microprocessor and frame buffer memory via the AMBA AHB Interconnect, providing high performance memory throughput. The DB9100AHB contains a DMA Command Linked-List Processing Unit, for independently reading and processing graphics commands from the host processor.
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Block Diagram of the BitBLT Graphics Hardware Accelerator (AHB Bus)