Cortus Development Platform with Spartan-6 X75 FPGA with 1 Mbyte of SRAM
It features a Xilinx Spartan -6 X75 which is large enough to prototype substantial single and multicore systems based around Cortus processors. 1 Mbyte of high speed synchronous static RAM are available for application use, giving single cycle access for systems running at up to 100 MHz.
A 32 Mbit serial (SPI) Flash memory holds the FPGA configuration and can be shared to hold the application software.
A USB interface, driven by an FTDI FT2232H, assures the JTAG connection (Windows and Linux drivers are available) which is fully compatible with Cortus tools. A second channel (over the same USB interface) provides a UART connection to the system being prototyped, ideal for terminal applications.
The FPGA board offers an I/O footprint that is compatible with the Arduino Due enabling the use of 'shields' designed for that platform. Additional I/O connectors are available to extend the memory available to the platform with DDR2 memory to 512 Mbytes. This gives enough memory to run a complete version of Linux on the board. Additionally this memory extension can include a USB2.0 PHY to combine with the Cortus USB2.0 MAC creating an ideal platform for prototyping embedded Linux systems.
Two buttons provide system reset and FPGA load functionality.
A 50 MHz oscillator provides timing for the FPGA. The internal DCMs and PLLs of the FPGA ensure that a wide range of system frequencies can be generated.
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Block Diagram of the Cortus Development Platform with Spartan-6 X75 FPGA with 1 Mbyte of SRAM