Energy Harvesting module with AC-DC converter for X-FAB 180nm
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Block Diagram of the Energy Harvesting module with AC-DC converter for X-FAB 180nm

Energy Harvesting IP
- Hyper-Decoupling Capacitor with a Capacitance Multiplication, Series Inductance Nullification, Cybersecurity Enhancement and an Energy Harvesting capabilities
- Energy Harvesting Boost Converter for single cell solar panel & TEG
- Power and Ground BondPads that include CC-100IP Digital and Switching Circuit Power Reduction Technology, Featuring 20% to 40% Total Dynamic Power Reduction
- NFC (PICC, UHF, Controller) IP
- PowerVR Neural Network Accelerator - cost-sensitive solution for low power and smallest area
- NFC Tag IP for Proximity Integrated Circuit Cards (PICC) and Vicinity Integrated Circuit Cards (VICC) Active/Passive