Flexible 200kHz-20MHz Oscillator - Customizable frequency, Low Power in TSMC 40nm
The customized CM4018hlf IP oscillates at a specific frequency selected between 200kHz and 20MHz, and consumes a proportional quiescent current (typ. 1.8μA to 13μA). An external 1.3μA bias current is required for proper operation, this can be implemented with Chipus CM1218hl voltage & current reference IP. A 4-bit digital bus allows frequency calibration against process variations with ±2.5% precision.
The core is easily retargeted to any other CMOS technology
due to its MOSFET-only oscillator architecture.
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Block Diagram of the Flexible 200kHz-20MHz Oscillator - Customizable frequency, Low Power in TSMC 40nm
![Flexible 200kHz-20MHz Oscillator - Customizable frequency, Low Power in TSMC 40nm Block Diagam](http://www.design-reuse.com/sip/blockdiagram/44875/20180718111110-main-CM4018hlf_1080.png)
Clock Management IP
- Controller IP, System Power/Clock Management, Soft IP
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