NVM OTP NeoBit in Maxchip (180nm, 160nm, 150nm, 110nm, 90nm, 80nm)
Low power, high performance 32-bit processor
This processor system enables SoC designers to concentrate on design issues unique to their system. VinRZ5110 is a technology independent synthesizable macro, highly portable across processes and can be easily integrated into system-on-chip designs.
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risc IP
- Compact, low-power 32-bit RISC CPU
- High-performance 32-bit RISC CPU
- DSP-enhanced ARC EMxD and HS4xD processors provide combined RISC + DSP processing for computation intensive applications
- Low-cost & low-power 16-bit RISC CPU
- Low-power, 16-bit RISC CPU with cache
- Ultra low power, high-performance DSP / controller RISC core