Bluetooth low energy v6.0 Baseband Controller, Protocol Software Stack and Profiles IP
Green IP Core IP Catalog
About Green IP Core
GreenIPCore, a Subsidiary of PlusQO Corp. Pvt. Ltd.
It Brings IP Portfolio focused on making things Safe, Reliable and Secure.
It Provides Next Generation IPs to engine Next generation Products.
The IP Segment Focus on Next generation products of -
1. IOT.
2. Artificial Intelligence.
3. Security.
4. SoC Building Block
The IP Segment can be broadly distributed in -
1. IOT - For Ultra Low Power, Low Processing acceleration and high reliability IPs.
2. Artificial Intelligence - For High Processing Acceleration, Wider Connectivity, Performance on Demand IPs.
3. Security IPs - For Protection, reliability and inner strength for System to sustain Electromagnetic, Voltage ,Temperature Noise and Hacking attacks.
4. SoC Building Blocks - Provides general Purpose Improved Building Block IPs to built Next generation Products/SoC.
With the increasing demand in Performance, Security and Low Power products, GreenIPCore from PlusQO Corp is providing IPs to easily accelerate your development to meet market challenges and Time-To-Market reduction.
GreenIPCore’s main focus is to develop Advance Improved IPs with New disruptive functions to EASE faster Development of next generation products.
Company develops and provide following functional categories :
- OnChip Digital IPs targeted to ASIC.
- Interface With Analog Components.
- Develop DIGITAL Counterparts for Analog Blocks and hardened digitals.
Green IP Core IP Listing
24 Product(s) Listed
Corporate Headquarters
Green IP Core
805, 8th Floor, OmTower, Alpha Commertial Belt Greater Noida India Help Desk |