Process Detector (For DVFS and monitoring process variation)
Commsonic Ltd IP Catalog
About Commsonic Ltd
Commsonic is a design services company specialising in the development of ASIC, FPGA, DSP and board-level sub-systems for applications in wireless and wireline communications.
Our expertise is primarily in the gate- and power-efficient implementation of physical-layer (PHY) functions such as: modulation, demodulation, equalisation and channel coding but our experience encompasses all of the major elements of a modern baseband 'core' including the medium access control (MAC), voiceband DSP, mixed-signal interfaces, and embedded Cpu and software.
Our services are provided on a turnkey basis or as part of a support package attached to our licenced IP or tool products.
Commsonic's customers are typically semiconductor vendors and manufacturers of communications equipment that require leading-edge, Standards-based or proprietary PHY solutions but lack the internal resources or skills necessary to deliver projects against aggressive deadlines.
Commsonic Ltd IP Listing
27 Product(s) Listed
Corporate Headquarters
Commsonic Ltd
St. John's Innovation Centre Cowley Road, Cambridge CB4 0WS UK Help Desk |