Frontgrade Gaisler IP Catalog
About Frontgrade Gaisler
Cobham Gaisler provides IP cores and supporting development tools for embedded processors based on the SPARC architecture. The key product is the LEON synthesizable processor model together with a full development environment and a library of IP cores (GRLIB). Our personnel have extended design experience, and have been involved in establishing European standards for ASIC and FPGA development. Aeroflex Gaisler has a long experience in the management of ASIC development projects, and in the design of flight quality microelectronic devices. The company specializes in digital hardware design (ASIC/FPGA) for both commercial and aerospace applications.
Frontgrade Gaisler IP Listing
35 Products Listed in the following categories
Corporate Headquarters
Frontgrade Gaisler
Kunsgatan 12 SE-41 119 Göteborg Sweden Help Desk |