Process Detector (For DVFS and monitoring process variation)
MVD Cores IP Catalog
About MVD Cores
MVD Cores is an engineering team highly specialized in Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) and FPGA technologies.
We provide IP cores for Processing, Transporting and Transmission of MPEG, DVB, ATSC & IPTV standards for Xilinx FPGAs.
The products and services catalog contains a wide range of on-the-shelf IPs to build solutions to carry MPEG-TS to RF.
Our IPs cover almost all worldwide standards of current technologies for broadcasting over Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT), Cable TV (CATV) and Satellite.
MVD Cores IP Listing
30 Products Listed in the following categories
Corporate Headquarters
MVD Cores
106, Avenue des Guis 31830 Plaisance du Touch France Help Desk |