Synthesizable 6800 Compatible CPU Core
The V6800 is a fully synchronous design and contains no microcode; all control is implemented via state machines. It is written in synthesizable VHDL using IEEE standard libraries. It uses a single clock.
The V6800 also contains debug assist hardware to provide "ICE"-like debugging access. This hardware is intended to be accessed through a JTAG port (a JTAG interface is also available).
The design kit includes the synthesizable VHDL model, a sample synthesis script, a sample constraint file, a VHDL test bench, and test stimulus files.
VLSI Concepts can provide customization of the design, if requested.
Design and integration assistance is also available from VLSI Concepts.
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6800 Compatible IP
- MIPI CSI-2 controller Receiver v 2.1, Compatible with MIPI C-PHY v1.2 & DPHY v2.1.
- Secure-IC's Securyzr™ HMAC compatible with Securyzr™ hardware Hash accelerators with SCA protections
- MIPI CSI DSI Controller - CPHY CSI-2 Transmitter v 2.1, Compatible with MIPI C-PHY v1.2 & DPHY v2.1.
- UFS 4.0 Host Controller compatible with M-PHY 5.0 and UniPro 2.0
- nQrux® Crypto Module
- UFS 3.0 Host Controller with AES Encryption compatible with M-PHY 4.0 and UniPro 1.8