Pre-verified Interface IP Subsystems reduce design risk and accelerate time-to-market
USB 2.0 UTMI+ lvl3 PHY
- SMIC 40 nm low leakage 6 metal process
- Ultra low area:
- <0.06 mm2 excluding OTG and I/O pads
- <0.065 mm2 including OTG but excluding I/O pads
- Ultra low power, typically:
- 30 mW during HS-transmission
- 7 mW during HS-receive
- 5 mW during HS-idle
- Extensive built in self test for production testing
- UTMI+ level 3 compliant
- Internal reference resistor that automatically replaces the external reference resistor if no external resistor has been connected
- One control bit DP/DM polarity inversion for simplified PCB signal routing both for top and bottom mounted connectors
- Supports 4, 8, 12, 20, 25, 40, 50 and 100 MHz reference clock frequencies
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USB 2.0 IP
- USB 2.0 PHY TSMC 5nm, 6/7nm, 12/16nm, 22nm, 28nm, 40nm, 65nm, 130nm, 180nm
- USB 2.0 PHY GlobalFoundaries 12nm, 22nm, 28nm, 40nm
- USB 2.0 OTG High / Full / Low- Speed Dual Role IP Core
- USB 2.0 nanoPHY in SMIC (65nm)
- USB 3.0/ PCIe 2.0/ SATA 3.0 Combo PHY IP, Silicon Proven in TSMC 22ULP
- USB 2.0 PHY IP, Silicon Proven in TSMC 22ULP