Zigbee 802.15.4 for ultra-low power portable applications
Additional peripherals such as ADC, SPI, I2C, UART, I2S and timers are all included on the same chip, resulting in a compact system solution.This is ideal for portable applications in frequency ranges 863-928 MHz , in particular those needing long battery life and/or signal processing, such as AMR, WSN and medical.
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Block Diagram of the Zigbee 802.15.4 for ultra-low power portable applications

ZigBee Sub1 Ghz 802.15.4 RF IP IP
- Bluetooth LE v5.3 / Zigbee 3 RF/PHY for Global Foundry 55nm (Silicon proven IP)
- Bluetooth LE v5.3 / IEEE 15.4 RF IP in TSMC 40nm & SMIC 55nm (Silicon proven IP)
- Bluetooth Dual Mode v5.4 / IEEE 15.4 PHY/RF IP in GF 22nm (Silicon Proven)
- Bluetooth 5.0 LE,Zigbee, and Sub-GHz Transceiver
- Bluetooth 5.0 LE,Zigbee, and Sub-GHz Transceiver
- ultra Low power Bluetooth v5.3 Dual-Mode RF IP in TSMC40nm